Friday 9 January 2009

Oks this year of the Ox?

A bit too late to post this but I am burning my tai suey on Friday. Athough my friend Val H said not to delay and burn today. I got the envelope at the Chinese New Year celebration with Master Joseph Chau in Mandarin Hotel last month . This year is the Year of the Ox and the Chinese believes that the Ox is a sign of "prosperity through fortitude and hard work." People born under this sign are said to be tolerant with strong character and tend to work hard without complaints.

This year of the Ox is supposed to be believe it or not, Ok. Yes, a year of opportunities and to expect settling of issues. This brings good news especailly after dampening events last year from the never-ending financial fiascos from Lehman to the uncovering of Ponzi schemes like our local PIPC and international Madoff; countless havocs brought about climate change - earthquakes, floods, and the current Oz bushfire; the 2.6M jobs lost last year in the US and other countries and its consequence to our OFW remittances, etc.

Can America be saved by its Ox-prez? Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961. Other Oxen: former prez Joseph Estrada and Richard Nixon, prime minister Margaret Thatcher, the late Princess Diana, artist Vincent Van Gogh, singer Bruce Springsteen, boxer Oscar De La Hoya; and actors George Clooney, ,Jane Fonda and Dustin Hoffman.

Malaysian geomancer Joey Yap says : Now up to 2010 will be the rebuilding years, before wealthy times appear. “It will be a daunting year. We haven’t really reached the peak of the problems yet. We are probably one third through this difficult cycle." Yap's advise is not to fret as this is a nescessary cleansing for better times to come. “It will get worse, but it won’t be bad for everyone. It’s not good for things which have metal elements – financials being the main theme. Metal is seen to be covered by earth, with a lot of dirt piling on it. Therefore, the financial industry won’t prosper this year.”

Well, I'm definitely burning my tai suey today even though Master Chau says that this year will be lucky for me and to all those born in year of the Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Monkey and Rooster.

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