Monday 2 March 2009

Follow me on twitter..

Its really a very wide world web out there and I"m getting entangled in it. I joined twitter this morning. Shonali from D.C. wrote in her email "did you check out my blog yet? The link is in my e-signature. Would love to have you read/comment."
I scrolled down to her e-signature and got intrigued with 'follow me on twitter'.. so I did and the only way to follow her is to sign up. Lo and behold, I'm surprised that a number of people I know in the Philippines are already hooked up! And a number of celebs are famous twits!
Lifestlye guru Martha Stewart who signed up two weeks ago (Feb 19) had 20,000 followers this morning and now, after 9 hours, jumped up to 21,241. She's only following six twits - that's, Barack Obama (who has 348,172 followers), rapper-Snoop Dog, pet dog lover Cute Overload, gardener-Maragaretroach, late night host Jimmy Fallon and gossip blogger-perezhilton. Her latest twit is "I made a nice lunch for some visitors at my house this weekend and ends with a link to her blog. With a 140-character space limit I guess all you can do is link to a blog for more info.
Aside from friends, I've decided to follow D.C. correspondent George Stephanopoulous (note: I've been intrigued since Primary Colors) and some news twits like CNN and IHT (which i may take down due to information overload) and The Moment.
Twitter is a free social networking utility developed in 2006 by Evan Williams to connect 'real time' with family and friends. He's another genius like 24-year old Mark Zuckerberg who developed Facebook in 2004. As of today, there are 90 million active Facebook-users vs one-million twits.
Now that I'm a twit plus a blogger and also connected to facebook, youtube, flicker, ASW and yes, multiply... how on earth will i find time to enjoy the real wide world out there???? I must be a nitwit to fall for all these...

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