Saturday 8 August 2009

Knowledge Channel turns 10!!

Knowledge Channel, the country's only all-educational TV channel on cable kicked off its 10th anniversary last Friday in Strums. It was a fun, relaxed gathering of friends and partners in education.
A lot of people still think that Knowledge Channel is another Discovery or National Geographic channel. What they don't know is, it is the flagship program of Knowledge Channel Foundation Inc. (KCFI), a Filipino non-stock, non-profit organization. Knowledge Channel is a curriculum-based and life skills programming channel made accessible primarily to public schools for free through broadcast (cable TV).
Rina Lopez-Bautista, co-founder and president of KCFI said "we believe that EDUCATION provides HOPE. For every school reached and with each Filipino student benefiting from Knowledge Channel, they are provided a better chance to extricate themselves from a life of poverty. This educational intervention paves the road towards the realization of their dreams for a better way of life."
Right now Knowledge Channel is already in 2,000 public schools in 52 provinces, benefiting about 2.6 million students in the public school system all the way up North in Itbayat, Batanes down to Sitangkay, Tawi Tawi. I am very fortunate to be part of KCFI’s 3-year USAID-assisted program called Television Education for the Advancement of Muslim Mindanao or TEAM-Mindanao for short where some 78,529 students located in the remotest and isolated areas of Mindanao are now getting the quality education they rightfully deserve. I've been to “No man’s land and where no one dared to tread” in North Cotobato (Nov 2007), Tawi Tawi (2006) and Maguindanao (2005).
There will three more intimate gatherings for the next first Fridays of the month. 21-year old preppy-rocker Yeng Constantino sang the new theme song of Knowledge Channel "May K ako!" and I think will be present in the next shindigs.
With a target of more than 40,000 public schools and 17 million student beneficiaries all over the country., there is still a long way to go and I hope you can help KCFI keep it going for another decade or so!
Here's Yeng singing "May K ako":

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