Sunday 4 October 2009

Pepeng off-track: noetic science in action?

Fans of Dan Brown will be happy to note that many attribute Pepeng's change in direction to noetic science - collective prayers, positive vibes, healing energy that somehow veered the super typhoon (defined as more than 240 kph winds) away from battered-Manila.
The aftermath of last week's typhoon Ondoy is worst than Afghanistan. Submerged areas like Pasig (which is a stone's throw from my office!!!), Cainta, Marikina, etc. depict mountains of debris and the smell is unbearable due to apparently a mix of trash and animal cadavers.
The death toll of Ondoy has reached 280 and still counting plus notwithstanding Pepeng's fatalities which wreaked havoc up North (i.e. Baguio, Tugegarao, Benguet, etc). I heard in the news of a looming food crisis next year since most of the crops have been wiped out.
The post-typhoon operation here has been dubbed as 'People Power 3" as thousands have come out to help and volunteer in relief centers and gone out of their way to distribute packages to afflicted areas and now, setting up medical missions and soup kitchens in evacuation centers. Netizens have been non-stop posting on FB, twitter, plurk, etc and sending texts to mobilize and coordinate. FB lately has been likened to a mini-DZMM (a local AM radio station) with all the reports - from goods needed, transport available (including boats and ten-wheeler trucks), volunteers needed and lately, weather reports and power interruptions! Gosh, sometimes I tune out on FB because of the alarmist-type posts.
Well, we need more noetic action because there's another super typhoon in the horizon spotted up North in Basco called Quedan with 250kph winds. I don't think Manila or Luzon can take another beating.

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