Wednesday 18 June 2014

Kundalini Yoga Level One Teacher Training

It's a dream come true for me to be in the presence of and to learn Kundalini Yoga Level One from a Yoga Master, Guru Dass Singh, the founder of the International College of Kundalini Yoga.  He is a 'legacy' teacher meaning a direct student of Yogi Bhajan . He met him at the age of 17 years old in 1971. (Guru Dass below playing the guitar).

It was my first Kundalini teacher who pushed me into taking this step. Actually, more of a shove. She kept saying that Kundalini Yoga is a powerful practice and mandatory to one's personal development. She said "We are where we are in our evolution. I am personally committed (at least whatever is left of my human life) to awaken my fellow God-desses so that they can in turn be of service to the rest of the world by animating the GodSpark withIN."
with students from all over the world

And here I am in Bali with 21 other students, literally at the Master's feet listening to his music. Each time he leads us in a meditation kriya, I always end up in tears. It's as if he is singing to my soul, melting my heart.

Kundalini is basically energy which according to Yogi Bhajan has been blocked in the lowest of all chakras, at the first chakra. What actually happens is the joining of two energies - positive and negative, prana and apana - and bring the energy up as it passes through the sushuma. Quoting from Yogi Bajan, he says "[It] works directly on the total energy, and that flow of energy has one simple way: either your sway it or it sways you... [it] is your creative potential. You experience it when the energy of the glandular system combines with the energy of the nervous system to create a sensitivity that the totality of the brain receives signals and integrates them. Then you become totally aware, and your creative potential becomes available to you."

Morning sadhana
The day starts with morning sadhana at 5:30 am,  which is reading of the Japji, a kriya and mantra meditation. Breakfast is usually at 8:00  followed by classes the whole day with a break for lunch, then dinner at 7:30pm and evening meditation with Yogi Bhajan (video) after dinner.

This will be the first of three weeks and I'm looking forward to this transformative technology. As Yogi Bhajan said  "If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it, If your want to master something, teach it."

Warning though the process will bring your shadows into the surface and through the practice, you will learn how to cultivate the courage to address the issues that come up. It's a powerful and transformative, if you are ready to change, this is it!

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