Sunday 21 June 2015

Sama Sama Seva @ Yoga+ during International Yoga Day

I'm grateful that a lot of yogis from all over Metro Manila turned up today at Yoga+'s "Sama Sama Seva for Nepal" in Makati. It's a full day event of various yoga classes, meditation and talks from 6:30am to 8:00pm.

The proceeds of the event was earmarked for the earthquake relief effort in Nepal, specifically, to the Laksmi Orphanage and Bdhanikantha Model Community Academy.

The timing was perfect because today,  June 21 was declared the International Day of Yoga, the first ever celebration and an acknowledgement of the benefits of this over 6,000 year old practice.

I taught a Kundalini Yoga set to relieve stress and increase vitality. The first part was a powerful and energetic kriya to tune up the nervous system and the second part was a meditation to create sensitivity within, a calm and cozy effect to be able to withstand the pressures of the mind and other perceived fears.

Full house at the Kundalini Yoga class
I was surprised to have 52 yogis in the class. Since I've started with Kundalini Yoga in 2013, this practice has not really picked up yet in Manila. This made me reminisce  my ashtanga days in the early 2000s when it was just a handful of us doing the class at Bela Lipat's place.

I'm happy that the yogis who joined the class were open, stayed for the 90-minute duration of the class and were beaming when they stepped out. Here are some photos taken by Yoga+ during the event:

I know this is shameless plugging, but for those who'd like to try Kundalini Yoga, I teach every Monday night from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at the Romulo Peace Center located at the top floor of Century Plaza, 120 Perea St., Legazpi Village, Makati. Satnam!

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