Sunday 25 October 2015

Kundalini Yoga Retreat to Awaken the Warrior Within in Puerto Princesa on November 20-22

I'm quite excited about the upcoming yoga retreat called "Kundalini Yoga to Awaken the Warrior Within" that I'll be facilitating in Bahay Kalipay in Puerto Princesa, Palawan on November 20 to 22, 2015.  Its the only natural healing enter in the Philippines that offers supervised 100% raw food enzyme diet.

I keep coming back to this place. It's the only holistic healing center in the Philippines that offers 100% raw food enzyme diet in a serene environment conducive to self-healing. I remember the first time I had set foot in Bahay Kalipay was way back in 2009 (read post here).

The yoga retreat is really all about fighting the demons within that's holding you back and preventing you from moving forward in life.

Deng Ming-Dao in 365 Tao said "A warrior will have many opponents in a lifetime, but the ultimate opponent is the warrior's own self. Within a fighter's personality is a wide array of demons to be conquered: fear, laziness, ignorance, selfishness, egotism and so many more. To talk of overpowering other people is inconsequential. To actually overcome one's own defects is the true nature of victory."

The yoga retreat as the title says will awaken the warrior spirit which is basically instilling self-love, courage and fearlessness. But first it requires to clear up all the fears, resentments, regrets, habitual patterns, in other words, all the demons. At the end, hopefully, all those who attend  will be able to use the tools to help cope with obstacles and issues that life throws each day and like what everyone wants, lead a happy and healthy life.

For this retreat, I would ask the participants to start asking "what are you holding onto that is restricting your ability to flow and leaving you feeling insecure and powerless?" If you do go to this retreat, all you'll be doing is to go within and allow yourself to let go and just be.

If you'd like to join this yoga retreat, contact Bahay Kalipay at +63-927 547-7871 or email 

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