Sunday 6 December 2015

Kundalini Yoga and Sound Healing Workshop @ Breathe Yoga

The five of us - Marisa, Robert, Madonna, Francesca and moi 

A didgeridoo? A what?? A didgeridoo!! It's an ancient Australian indigenous instrument used for healing. And yes, instead of a Gong that's typically used in Kundalini Yoga, we integrated various sound healing modalities and chanting in our first ever workshop together.

Oudine Santos spotted the three of us Kundalini Yoga teachers at the Global Mala event last September. She wanted us three  to conduct a workshop in her yoga studio called Breathe which is located all the way down in the South in Nuvali, Sta. Rosa, Laguna. 
So, yesterday was a powerful combination of Kundalini Yoga and Sound Healing workshop  called "Awaken the True You: Inner Beauty IS Outer Beauty." The workshop was designed to balance the mind, clear out the subconscious garbage, let go the past emotions and experiences that's been holding one back from moving forward.  The goal was to align the Self with the True Self, SatNam which means, truth is my identity. 
Timing-wise, the workshop was perfect  for the coming new year 2016. We wanted to create some kind of shift so that the experiences will be new, pure and based on the present instead of mixed with the old subconscious garbage that's been clouding everything in life.
The workshop participants who came as far as Antipolo, Quezon City, Makati and within the Laguna and Cavite area were amazing. We warned the mostly first timers in Kundalini Yoga that it was going to be challenging and they can pull back anytime for as long as they can imagine that they are doing the poses. Believe it or not, they kept on and persevered the whole four-hours!!
The workshop had four parts. The first part was a series of kriyas (set of yoga poses) led by me to synchronize the brain and clear out all the negatives - negative thoughts, feelings, emotions that have been stuck in the body.  
Here's a short video:
The second part was two vigorous pranayam sets led by Madonna "Sach Dyan" English, to handle self as anger, frustration, grief and sorrow were released and to clear the way to happiness. The third part was a series of meditation and chanting led by Marisa HarNadh to hear the inner voice, synchronize with the open heart and connect with the Diamond Light which is a high frequency energy that brings love, compassion and creativity. 

Madonna "Sach Dyan" English
Marisa HarNadh
Crystal tibetan bowl, wind chimes and didgeridoo
Robert played the didgeridoo to clear any remaining stagnant emotion and energy and to lift the vibration up. Francesca accompanied him by playing the crystal Tibetan bowl and wind chimes. The effect is to activate the root chakra, the sense of self and connect with the sixth chakra, intuition. The end was the sound vibration from the tankdrum which was tuned to 432 Hz to activate the heart's energetic field.
With the positive feedback that we're receiving, we just might be inclined to offer more healing workshops for 2016.  Watch out for us!!!  Wahe Guru!

Moi leading the first part 

The last part was the sound healing with Robert Green and Francesca de Guzman-Warnke. 

The five of us live to serve. What we want for everyone is to begin to feel a new level of self-love and for all to live more happily and hopefully, more fulfilled. 

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