Friday 6 April 2018

Growing Your Relationship New Elective Course with Vianna Stibal in Switzerland

The 7th century old city of Saint Gallen.
It's full circle for me in Switzerland. This is where I took my internship in a pharmaceutical company based in Basel, called Ciba Geigy (it merged with Sandoz in 1996, then  acquired by Novartis in 1997 and BASF in 2008).

I just finished my bachelors degree in Sociology and I was assigned in the Economic Policy department under Dr. Itschner. My task was to study the development of the World Health's Organization (WHO) Essential Drugs Policy (generics) and its effects on the pharmaceutical industry. I frequented WHO headquarters in Geneva and conducted intensive research. The findings was compiled into a compendium.

with Theta Healing founder Vianna Stibal and her husband Guy.
After several decades, here I am back in Switzerland to study with my teacher, Theta Healing founder Vianna Stibal.

The country is tiny with land area of 38,516 square kilometers and population of 8,528,912 (as of April  12, 2018) versus the 342,353 square kilometers and 100 million population of the Philippines.  The instructor course was held in 7th-century old Saint Gallen, an hour from Zurich by train.

What I like most about being in Switzerland is everything is walkable and there's no traffic! I love too the organic markets where they sell fresh fruits, vegetables and cheese and shops selling freshly baked chocolates!

Freshly baked Laderach chocolates
This is my third year with Vianna, the first was in Tokyo, Japan where I took my Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper instructor courses. Then in her hometown in Montana, where I studied Manifesting and Abundance, Soul Mate and Rhythm to a Perfect Weight instructor courses. And now, in St. Gallen to study the new elective courses Growing Your Relationship Part 1: You and Your Significant Other and Growing Your Relationship Part 2: You and God.

You and Your Significant Other is a course designed not only for couples but for all types of relationships. It's about learning how to set the ground rules to make the relationship work. While You and God  answers all the questions that is going on in one's life. Specifically, the motivation behind actions, reactions and patterns.

with my Hormone Symphony elective teacher Jurta Wirth
Since I've been doing theta healing,  a lot of people have asked me What is Theta Healing? I've studied several energy healing modalities - Inner Space Technique under Samuel Sagan in 2005, Reiki in 2010, Be Well Science under Master del Pe in 2012 - and I find Theta Healing more simple and the result is fast.

Theta Healing is a meditation technique created by Vianna in 1995. She underwent her own personal journey back to health and healed from a 9-inch tumor in her leg. The technique generates physical, psychological and spiritual healing with focused prayer through the Creator.

She said "When we connect to the Creator of All That Is, our brainwaves  go into Theta state of mind. In this mind state, you can create anything and change reality instantly. " In the Theta state, one can  clear limiting beliefs and replace negative programs with positive ones, developing virtues to create a positive lifestyle.

I'm excited to be teaching Growing Your Relationships Part 1 and 2. The prerequisites are Basic and Advanced DNA2 courses. If you're interested in taking the course or doing a theta healing session with me, message me! :-)

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