Sunday 3 May 2020

Watch what you eat during lockdown

Week 8, day 50. I can't believe that it's been 50 days already. I've lost track of time and I'm extremely grateful to Peter who kept tabs through his online journal.

My healthy blend for breakfast
The government will lift the lockdown in two weeks and I'm now committing to keep my body healthy by juicing, eating raw food, and having light dinners to make sure that what comes in gets eliminated quickly.

According to yogic science, when food remains in the body for longer than 24 hours, the waste product beings to rot, and harmful toxins are absorbed back into the system. The liver, which is responsible for removing toxins from the bloodstream, becomes overloaded, and the whole body becomes contaminated.

Check yourself: are you experiencing a lack of energy? Is your tongue coated in white? Do you have bad breath? Are you irritable, nervous, or feeling constipated? These are some signs that may urge you to switch to easy to digest foods.

Coach Francis sent me the top 10 Fat Burning Foods to help me with my diet. He actually gave a more detailed presentation on how to combine exercise and macros (or macronutrients) to lose weight. 

First, calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) by multiplying your weight in kilos by 7 and then, divided by 700.  There are two types of training -Cardio and Resistance. If you stop training in cardio, you stop burning calories. If you stop training in resistance, calories are burned up to 32 hours after a workout.  To get the recommended heart rate for the Fat Burning Zone is to multiply your age by 65%. To lose weight, he recommended resting 1 to 2 minutes between sets and to eat 30 minutes after a workout.

Let's see how it goes. I might need an app to calculate my calorie intake. Stay healthy!! 

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