Thursday 5 October 2023

Taman Beji Griya Waterfall, A Unique and Special Place for Purification in Bali

I have had the privelege of experiencing several Melukat ceremonies in Bali and so far, Taman Beji Griya Waterfall, outside Ubud, stands out as the most unique and special. 

The place is located within the Sangeh forest jungle with lots of hidden caves, cascading waterfalls and carved stone walls. It's about 31 minutes from Ubud center.

One of the remarkable aspects of Taman Beji Griya Waterfall is its offering of various healing modalities. In addition to the Melukat ceremony, they also provide shamanic practices such as palm reading, past life regression, aura cleansing, as well as other packages.

We decided chose the Melukat purification ceremony, which was priced at IDR 300,000 per person. This package included a sarong, bell, offering, towel, two young coconuts, locker, an English-speaking guide, a priest, and a complimentary jamu drink.

The purification ritual began with the reverent act of offering prayers and lighting incense to the deities. 

The process involved five stages of purification. The first stage was in the shower in a hidden canyon in the cave to balance out health and call on fertility. 

The second was in the well to cleanse our aura and attract wealth and luck. The stage was to release emotions in two waterfalls- screaming to release negativity and laughing to release joy and happiness. 

The fourth stage was performing a pengelukatan in the shower in the pool. And last purification was receiving a sacred blessing with young green and yellow coconut water by the priestess.

Taman Beji Griya Waterfall is not just a breathtaking natural wonder, but a sanctuary for healing and relaxation. If you are seeking a unique and transformative experience, I highly recommend visiting Taman Beji Griya Waterfall. It offers an opportunity to immerse yourself in the wonders of nature while embarking on a journey of purification and healing.

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